Planned Giving

Legacy Preservation Partners

Preservation Austin's Planned Giving program supports a secure financial future for our nonprofit, allowing us to focus more time and attention on preserving our shared heritage and less on fundraising obligations.

There are a myriad of planned giving options from which you can choose—from naming Preservation Austin as a beneficiary in your will to a gift of stock. Planned gifts are popular because they can provide valuable tax benefits and/or income for life.


  • Increase current income for the donor or others

  • Reduce the donor's income tax

  • Avoid capital gains tax

  • Pass assets to family at a reduced tax cost

  • Make significant donations to charity

To make a gift or receive more details, please email Executive Director Lindsey Derrington or call (512) 474-5198

Gift Options

Bequests to Preservation Austin

A bequest is a transfer of a specific amount of funds directed in a will or the allocation of a percentage of a residuary estate to Preservation Austin.

Beneficiary of Retirement Plan

Preservation Austin may be designated to receive all or part of a retirement plan after death. Retirement plans are subject to significant estate and income taxation upon passing to heirs.

Transferring a retirement plan to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization such as Preservation Austin would allow the organization to receive all of the plan’s value free of taxes.

Beneficiary of Life Insurance

Preservation Austin may be designated to receive all or part of the proceeds of a life insurance policy. This may be achieved by requesting a beneficiary designation form from the insurance carrier.

Stock Gifts

Gifting of stock to Preservation Austin allows a donor to fully realize the value of the stock without negative tax consequences.

Preservation Austin has a brokerage account established, and a gift of stock should be coordinated with our Executive Director to ensure appropriate receipt and acknowledgement.

Other Planned Gifts

Preservation Austin will work with a donor or their estate planning or financial professional to craft a specific gift plan.

Other Ways to Give